Mobile Marketer
As marketers in Britain continue to move away from broadly targeted mobile ad campaigns, consumers say they are more likely to find ads informative and helpful compared to last year, according to a new report from xAd and Telmetrics.
The second annual UK Mobile Path-to-Purchase Study found that consumers are 76 percent more likely to find mobile ads informative and helpful than last year. Additionally, one-third of respondents reported clicking on at least one mobile ad in the last 30 days.
“The big news is that consumers are really starting to becoming more open to advertising on their mobile devices,” said Sarah Ohle, director of marketing intelligence at xAd, New York. “Positive associations with mobile ads have risen 76 percent since this study was initially run in 2013.
“This is largely driven by the value that mobile ads are now delivering to consumers,” she said. “Value can really be anything from free content to time savings to locally relevant messages.
“This improved level of acceptance ultimately results in greater influence over a brand’s target audiences – and ultimately an increase in its bottom line.”
Of interest
The study reviewed what 2,000 consumers in Britain are doing via smartphones and tablets, capturing preferences and behaviors.
Key findings include that one in three respondents reported they clicked on an ad because it was something they were interested in or looking for.